Luigi AI Voice

Luigi AI voice is a text to speech generator that can speak Italian and English. Try Luigi text to speech voice free online now.

Read text out loud using the Luigi TTS voice, and more than 800 other AI text to speech generators, supporting 100 and accents. Access them all using our full Text to Audio tool.

Luigi Text to Speech

Luigi text to speech voice is great for all types of voiceovers. Play the video with sound to hear TTS Luigi generator reading one sample in English, and one in Italian:

We have 25 other Italian voices, including child and adult options.

Free Luigi TTS AI Voiceover

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Luigi Voice Generator

Luigi voice text to speech can read both Italian and English text. When reading English text, Luigi will speak with a strong Italian accent, occasionally making mistakes typical for Italians learning to speak English. This can be very useful for mixed language educational content, or English voiceovers aimed to be comedic and funny. For example, in the video sample above, Luigi voice AI reads the word “celebrated” with the starting sound /ˈtʃ/, as in the Italian word ciao.

You can make Luigi read everything correctly by using the international phonetic alphabet to spell out those words. Luigi, and about 50% of our other AI voices, support the IPA format of specifying exactly how to read. See the next section for more information on how to use IPA phonemes with the Luigi text to speech generator.

Of course, Luigi reads Italian text perfectly, and you can use it for any kind of voiceovers and narration in Italian. Changing pronunciation with Italian words is generally not going to be needed with Luigi, but you may want to spell out some foreign words or unusual place names.

Luigi supports voice pitch controls, allowing you to make the voice higher pitch or even squeaky. Combined with the comedic reading of English, this might be useful for video game or cartoon characters that are supposed to bring a bit of comic relief or lighthearted narration. See the example in the following sections for how to change the pitch.

Luigi AI voice using phonetic spelling

Luigi voice generator is trained primarily for Italian. When reading out loud foreign language words, or unusual place names, you may want to tweak the pronunciation generated y the Luigi voice AI. You can do that using the International phonetic alphabet (IPA). For example, the phrase “Luigi’s mansion” has the Saxon genitive or the possessive apostrophe that is typical for English, but not for Italian. Luigi AI voice will, without any changes, put a stress on the final “s” after the apostrophe, making it sound funny. To read it as an English reader would, you can use the IPA spelling, as in the example below:

Luigi is the slightly taller and leaner brother of Mario in the Super Mario
video game series by Nintendo. Traditionally clad in green, he often plays the
role of the sidekick, but has also been the protagonist in games like
[luːˈiːdʒiːz ˈmænʃən]{ipa}.

To use IPA spelling, just include the phonemes in [], followed by the marker {ipa}. For more information on using phonetic spelling, check out our guide on how to modify pronunciation using IPA and X-SAMPA alphabets.

Luigi TTS voice pitch controls

When using Luigi for comedic effect and light-hearted voiceovers, you can make it even more ridiculous by raising the voice pitch, and making the voice sound higher. To modify the voice pitch or depth, use the voice-pitch stage direction. Here is an example of Luigi speaking with a higher voice pitch:

(voice-pitch: 20)

Luigi is the slightly taller and leaner brother of Mario in the Super Mario
video game series by Nintendo. 

Of course, you can make the voice deeper and make it sound more ominous. Copy the example below into the script box on the top of this page and click “Create Audio” to hear it:

(voice-pitch: -20)

Luigi è il fratello leggermente più alto e snodato di Mario nella serie di videogiochi Super Mario di Nintendo.

When using stage directions, make sure to leave at least one blank line above and below the stage direction, separating it from the text you want to read out loud. See our guide on adding pauses to voiceovers for more information.

How do I get Luigi text to speech?

Luigi text to speech voice online is available from Narakeet. Here is how to get Luigi text to speech:

  1. Open the Text to Audio tool,
  2. Select “Italian” from the Language box
  3. Select “Luigi” from the voice box.

This will activate the Luigi TTS voice.

You can then enter some text into the “Script” box, and click “Create Audio” to make the audio file using the voice of Luigi.

For a list of other languages and voices, see our Full Voice List. For a quick guide on how to use Narakeet to create voiceovers, see our guide on using AI voice generators.

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