You can now make Quad HD videos with Narakeet
Make higher quality videos with Quad HD support now with Narakeet. We’ve increased video conversion capacity for all our users, allowing video sizes up to 1440p. The 1440p format is also called Quad HD or 4HD, as it has 4 times more pixels than the usual HD format.
These kinds of videos are great for viewing on large screens and projectors. They can be especially useful for training and onboarding videos where you want to show a lot of text or details at the same time.
To make Quad HD videos from PowerPoint easily, download our Powerpoint template from the Best Size For Video page. Alternatively, set the slide size on an existing presentation to 35.56 x 20.0 inches (or 90.31 x 50.8 centimetres).
To make Quad HD videos from a script, use the 1440p
size preset in the header, or specify the video frame 2560x1440
When including images, photos and video segments, make sure the resolution of embedded assets is at least 2560 x 1440 (this is the full Quad HD frame).
Quad HD video resolution is immediately available to all our users, at no additional cost.
Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers, turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS, Slack, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok