Answers to frequent questions
Is Narakeet Free?
Narakeet has free and commercial accounts. Check out the Account Features Comparison Table for more information on the differences between free and commercial Narakeet accounts.
What are the differences between free and commercial accounts?
Feature | Free accounts | Commercial accounts |
Number of conversions | 20 | Depending on the commercial package |
Free previews and experiments | No | Yes1 |
Maximum audio script length | 1 KB | 1024 KB |
Maximum video script length | 10 KB | 2048 KB |
Maximum video scenes (slides) | 30 | 500 |
Maximum file upload size | 10 MB | 350 MB |
Commercial use | No | Yes |
Automation API | No | Yes |
SSML scripting | No | Yes |
Batch audio creation | No | Yes |
We can increase the limits on demand for commercial users, contact us to request an increase.
1 To use free previews, click the “preview” button instead of “create audio” or “create video”. For more information, see Test text-to-speech voices and scripts easily and Preview presentation voice-over
How can I set up a commercial account?
Purchase one of the commercial plans and your user will automatically be upgraded to commercial account.
Can I request a refund?
Yes, we offer refunds within 14 days for any unused credits you purchased. In order to request a refund, send us email with the request to, clearly stating out the decision.
For more information, see our Refund Policy.
Can I add more people to my account?
Yes, just get in touch by email at and send us the email or Narakeet username of the person you would like to add. They will be able to use your credits, but will not see any billing data.
How are the files counted for credits?
Narakeet bills you for the duration of audio/video files produced. Each file you create is billed to your account in increments of 1 second.
Will I be charged for every change, or only when I download the result?
Use the text-to-speech previews to try out voices and scripts easily without paying. You can also use the preview feature for presentations and video scripts to avoid spending credits on experiments.
Previews allow you to try out the audio and evaluate the visuals faster than building the full file, and even more importantly without spending any credits. Previews are free. They do not deduct any credits from your account.
You will be charged every time you build the full result (Using the “Create Audio” or “Create Video” buttons), regardless of whether you download it or not.
If I buy 30 minutes of credits, can I build more than one audio/video?
Yes, you can build many audio/video files. For top-up accounts, the credits are deducted in increments of 1 second, so you can for example create 30 files of 1 minute each, or 60 files of 30 seconds, or one 10 minute plus one 20 minute file, or any other combination of those that adds up to 30 minutes.
When do credits expire?
The credits do not have an expiry. Any credits you do not spend remain available for you for future use.
Is the 6 USD payment one-off or a subscription?
The 6 USD package gives you 30 minutes @ $0.20 per minute of credits to spend on building audio/video files whenever you like. This is a top-up purchase, so you can buy credits, spend them, and then buy more credits once you need more capacity in the future. There are no recurring charges or subscription costs.
Can I get cheaper minutes or a discount?
Buying a larger plan gives you significantly cheaper minutes. See the top-up plans for more information.
If you want to purchase more than 10 000 minutes, we can provide additional discounts not available online. Contact us at, and one of our sales colleagues will be in touch shortly to provide options.
We can also provide discounts to registered non-profit and educational institutions (see below).
Are there discounts for educators or non-profit sector?
We can provide discounts to organisations in the educational and non-profit sectors. At this point, we are only offering discounted access to organisations, not for individuals.
If you represent a school, university or a charity, apply for a discount by sending an email with the request to, and one of our sales colleagues will be in touch shortly to provide options.
If you are an individual working in the educational sector, or a commercial company producing educational materials, the educational discounts would not be available to you. Please just set up a regular account by purchasing a standard plan.
Can I pay in a different currency?
We support payments in: USD GBP EUR INR . Just select the currency and the package from the list of plans, and click the “Buy” button.
If you need to pay in a different currency, and want to make a large purchase, we can potentially take a bank transfer/purchase order. Contact us at to arrange payment by invoice.
What payment methods are supported?
We support all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChat Pay, Cartes Bancaires (France)
For larger purchases, we can also accept invoice/bank transfer payments. Contact us at to arrange payment by invoice.
Can I pay by invoice/bank transfer/purchase order?
For larger purchases, we can also accept invoice/bank transfer payments. Contact us at to arrange payment by invoice.
Is my payment secure?
We use Stripe, one of the largest payment processors online, to ensure security of your financial data. Payments are processed directly on the Stripe web site, so Narakeet never gets to see or interact with your payment information directly.
How can I track my usage?
You can see the detailed breakdown of billing and usage by signing into your account, then clicking the “Show details” button, and clicking the “Billing history” button on the details page.
How to get a tax invoice/VAT receipt?
You can download your invoices from your account page:
- Sign into Narakeet,
- then click “Download invoices”
- click “Get invoice” next to the invoices listed on the page.
If you require more information or assistance setting up your account, please get in touch by email at